BTA Annual Report 2022



Growing by being greener, bluer, and pinker.

Tourism in Bermuda plays a crucial role in our commitment to sustainability and conservation, ingrained in our very DNA. Our journey began with the introduction of laws to protect sea turtles, and today, our activities, particularly in the IB sector focused on Climate Risk Finance and cleaner energy, further reinforce this commitment. As we strive to increase tourism, we remain dedicated to protecting our most precious asset, finding a balanced approach that ensures the preservation of our pristine environment.

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Move to Paperless

Taking a thoughtful approach towards environmental conservation, the Tourism Standards & Training team acknowledges the need to embrace sustainable practices, including a transition to paperless operations. In the past, the team distributed numerous booklets and training materials to support stakeholder education and certification initiatives. However, in alignment with the greener strategic pillar of the National Tourism Plan (NTP), the focus has shifted towards reducing waste and minimizing the organization’s carbon footprint.

To achieve this objective, the team took a significant step in 2022 by developing a new digital learning management system (LMS) platform called BTA+. This comprehensive LMS will serve as a centralized hub for all hospitality and tourism education and training offerings in Bermuda. By harnessing the power of technology, the team aims to streamline the learning process while eliminating the need for physical materials. The launch of BTA+ in 2023 will mark a milestone in the organization’s commitment to sustainable practices and contribute to a greener future for the tourism industry in Bermuda.

Awareness Through Sustainability

World Tourism Day Campaign

September 27 is International World Tourism Day promoted by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.

‘Rethink Tourism’ was the theme for the 2022 Q3 global tourism initiative. The goal of the organisation is to highlight the diverse range of roles, businesses and community organisations that contribute to tourism in Bermuda.

The campaign centred around building fresh, sustainable approaches to tourism in a post-pandemic environment. In alignment with the theme, we focused on the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • Good Health & Well-Being,
  • Responsible Consumption & Production and Life on Land.

The campaign was a successful collaboration between the Tourism Standards division and the Marketing team. It featured commentary from a few of Bermuda’s change agents. We developed and disseminated a video and press release showcasing eco-friendly and responsibly sustainable experiences they can get involved in while inspiring our local industry partners to move toward more sustainable practices.

We identified businesses, individuals and organisations listed below were selected to highlight locals whose practices align with the goals of the National Tourism Plan and the UN Sustainable Development goals. These selected businesses were highlighted in a video campaign that will expose those in our email database, as well as our media and social media followers, to eco-friendly and sustainable experiences available in Bermuda while also inspiring our local industry to become more sustainably responsible.  

  • Matthew Kitson, Food & Beverage Director, Huckleberry at Rosedon, whose farm-to-table philosophy showcases the work of Executive Chef Damien Griffith, and their dedicated kitchen staff. 
  • Weldon Wade, Communications Coordinator, Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme, underlined the value of protecting Bermuda’s ocean playground. 
  • Earlena Ingham, co-owner of Natural Mystic Hub, was featured discussing her business’ contribution to the growing holistic food movement on the island.  
  • Kimberley Fisher of The Agra Living Institute rounded out the slate of sustainable entity spokespeople featured and showcases the ways in which education and collaboration contribute to a social sustainability model that will positively impact the entire community.  

Sustainable Partnerships

The Local Communications Team actively engaged with the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme throughout the year, serving as stakeholders and participating in the exploration of their EEZ Marine Spatial Plan.

The Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme encompasses the Blue Tourism initiative, a comprehensive and forward-thinking research and innovation project. This project primarily focuses on the environmental management, governance, and planning of coastal and maritime tourism within significant Regional Seas.

Under the umbrella of Blue Tourism, various aspects are taken into consideration, including but not limited to:

  • Diving experiences
  • Sports fishing activities
  • Water sports opportunities
  • Yachting ventures

By incorporating these elements into the broader framework of the programme, Bermuda aims to ensure the sustainable development and responsible enjoyment of its ocean resources, promoting the long-term prosperity of both the local community and visitors alike.

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