BTA Annual Report 2022

Year in Review 

Letter from the CEO


Letter from the CEO


Letter from the Chair


Letter from the Chair


Board of Directors


Board of Directors


Putting AGILITY into Action

Bermuda’s tourism industry’s growth in 2022 was guided by the strategic framework of the National Tourism Plan (NTP). Despite the lingering disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Bermuda Tourism Authority remained steadfast in its commitment to revitalising Bermuda’s tourism product. The island cautiously reopened its doors, welcoming back visitors and charting a path towards recovery. The challenges have underscored the importance of AGILITY, the principles at the organisation’s core.

Awareness & Relevance

While many people have heard of Bermuda, relatively few know what makes us original so they choose to go elsewhere. We must focus our resources to make the right audiences more familiar with Bermuda and break through the ‘noise’ of other destinations. READ MORE


Paying attention to our environment is not only good for Bermuda in general, it is good for business. Eco-tourism is a fast-growing trend and our clean ocean and beaches, and healthy reef provide important draws for visitors. However, we can do better – and become greener. READ MORE


A healthy tourism industry relies on a solid infrastructure to enable us to deliver our distinct experiences to our visitors. While our infrastructure is generally good, there are important ways it needs to be upgraded, most notably in transportation, the waterfront (Hamilton, St. George), utility costs, technology, shopping/retail and accessibility for disabled visitors and residents. In addition, the myriad laws and regulations governing our industry should be simplified and updated. READ MORE

Local Involvement

Tourism in Bermuda can only grow through and with the support of its residents. Visitors to the island cite interactions with locals as one of the best parts of their trip. Yet many young Bermudians currently don’t see tourism as an appealing career. And many locals do not yet view tourism as vital to our economy. As the largest private sector employer in Bermuda, and a proven growth engine, we need to change these perceptions and engage all residents in the tourism industry. READ MORE


The world of travel is shifting quickly and it’s critical that we keep up with new developments in travel and tourism, and meet the evolving needs of our target visitors. This means that we need to promote an entrepreneurial culture, utilise technology and data in new ways and, perhaps most importantly, ‘think like a visitor’ as we develop new products, services and experiences. READ MORE

Teams & Groups

MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conferences and Exhibitions), sports teams and events are an important source of visitors throughout the entire year, not only contributing economic impact to Bermuda but also Bermuda’s profile. While we have excellent facilities for certain sports and meetings, we have the opportunity to offer a more seamless experience for organisers, leveraging new trends and technology to meet the expectations of participants and meeting planners. READ MORE


Bermuda’s seasonality places significant stress on the island and tourism-related businesses that have to contend with massive ebbs and flows. Cruise ships, while important to Bermuda’s tourism industry, contribute to this seasonality. We also often apologise for our non-summer months but generally our weather is enjoyable year-round, especially to visitors from the northeastern U.S. and Canada. READ MORE


Leisure Air Arrivals
Cruise Passengers
$ 3.38 M
Superyacht Economic Impact